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OMV and OMV Petrom Websites
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Information for owners of Shareholder Certificates

Before they can sell their shares held in OMV Petrom, shareholders need to exchange the Shareholder Certificates they received based on the 1995 – 1996 Mass Privatization Program. For the Mass Privatization Program beneficiaries, we recall that OMV Petrom S.A. was established under the Emergency Ordinance no. 49/1997, as the Societatea Nationala a Petrolului PETROM SA - Bucharest, by merging Regia Autonoma Petrom RA - Bucharest with a total of 45 former companies. Therefore, shareholders of the companies listed below, are now shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A.

No. Company name
1 Arpechim
2 Petrobrazi
3 "Peco" Alba
4 "Peco" Arad
5 "Peco" Argeş
6 "Peco" Bacău
7 "Peco" Bihor
8 "Peco" Bistriţa
9 "Peco" Botoşani
10 "Peco" Braşov
11 "Peco" Brăila
12 "Peco" Buzău
13 "Peco" Caraş-Severin
14 "Peco" Călăraşi
15 "Peco" Cluj
16 "Peco" Constanţa
17 "Peco" Covasna
18 "Peco" Dâmboviţa
19 "Peco" Dolj
20 "Peco" Galaţi
21 "Peco" Giurgiu
22 "Peco" Gorj
23 "Peco" Harghita
24 "Peco" Hunedoara
25 "Peco" Ialomiţa
26 "Peco" Iaşi
27 "Peco" Maramureş
28 "Peco" Mehedinţi
29 "Peco" Mureş
30 "Peco" Neamţ
31 "Peco" Olt
32 "Peco" Prahova
33 "Peco" Satu Mare
34 "Peco" Sălaj
35 "Peco" Sibiu
36 "Peco" Suceava
37 "Peco" Teleorman
38 "Peco" Timiş
39 "Peco" Tulcea
40 "Peco" Vaslui
41 "Peco" Vâlcea
42 "Peco" Vrancea
43 Competrol
44 Transpeco
45 Compania Romana de Petrol” (C.R.P.)
(Rafirom, Peco Bucuresti, Petrotrans)

The List of Confidentiality Codes and a Statement of Account shall be issued to them in exchange for such Shareholder Certificate. With these documents, a shareholder can go to any Financial Investment Services Company (SSIF) where he/she will be able to place an order for the sale of shares.

The Shareholder's Certificates can be exchanged at the register company, i.e. Depozitarul Central S.A., venued in Bucharest, 34 - 36 Carol I Boulevard 020922, Floors 3, 8 and 9, district 2, or at any Financial Investment Services Company (SSIF). You can find the latters’ contact details on the website > Participants.

Natural persons holding financial instruments issued by the companies for which the Central Depository carries out register services, may request the amendment of their personal identification data including through the public working points of the National Company "Posta Romana". The documents will be submitted by Posta Romana to the Central Depository, which will further operate the respective amendments upon verification of the documents received.

Any further information can be obtained via telephone at 0800800064 (free toll number on the Romanian territory) and +40 214022206 or via email at