Imprint, Legal Notice, Data Protection and Disclosure
Disclosure and Information pursuant to Law nr. 365/2002 regarding E-Commerce
Owner, publisher and producer: OMV Petrom SA
Main office: Petrom City, Coralilor Street, nr. 22, sector 1, postal code 013329, Telephone: +4 021 40 22201
Fiscal Code: R 159 0082
Trade Register Number: J40/8302/1997
Share capital:,80 RON
Company managed in a dualist system
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The term OMV Petrom includes OMV Petrom SA as well as all companies or entities of which OMV Petrom holds, directly or indirectly, at least 50 %. If any of the following relates only to certain companies or entities, such companies or entities will be named.
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The online form for introducing a request on exercising your personal data related rights in relationship with OMV Petrom
If you accessed this page, it means you may have a question on personal data protection side. We prepared some details for you below, in order to ease the process.
As a data subject (individual whose personal data are processed, like name, surname, address, e-mail, etc.), you benefit of specific rights under the relevant legislation on personal data protection field. Thus, a data subject benefits of (i) the right of access to data, (ii) rectification, (iii) erasure, (iv) restriction of processing, (v) the right to oppose the processing and (vi) the right to data portability of the data. As well, you are entitled to address the relevant supervisory authority in personal data protection field (in Romania, the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing – abbreviated ANSPDCP) should you have a complaint and the right to address the relevant court of law.
When you want to exercise your rights from (i) to (vi) above, you have to address a written request to the entity (company in this case) who you deem is processing your personal data. The request needs to identify you (you have to provide sufficient identification details to enable us to perform the related search and provide you with the relevant information) and some details about what you need as information or action from us on personal data protection side. You can formulate this in any wording you deem suitable to express your request. However, in order to ease the process, we have developed a specific form you may access below.
Please note that all form’s fields are mandatory to be filled in by choosing one or more drop down options or with detailed information, as the case. In case the information you provided to us is not enough to identify you or to fulfil your request, we will contact you via the e-mail address you provide us to ask for information we need. Please make sure you provide only your information and not information about other persons. Please provide a valid e-mail address that is yours and not of others. By submitting this information to us, we reasonably assume the information is yours and you are entitled to provide it to us.
We will process the information you provide to us via your request – we mean the company to which you file the request and who acts in this context as a data controller (for personal data such as identification data, contact data, signature, labor data, picture etc., as per the case) as well as the information comprising personal data we deliver to you in accordance with your request, for the purposes to:
Address your request/s related to processing of personal data (based on our legal obligation to address data subject’s requests)
Archiving of the request/s, according to applicable legal provisions and internal procedures (based on our legal obligations – as applicable to retain evidence of such requests and on our legitimate interest to protect our rights and interests in this field, normally not longer than the applicable statute of limitation in personal data protection field investigations).
After the elapse of the archiving period, we will erase/ irrevocably anonymize your data.
The source of such personal data is direct (from you) and indirect (from data records we may have, documentation, etc. depending on the relationship you are in regard to the company from our group you are addressing your request).
Your personal data could usually be forwarded to different entities which assist / support the respective company acting as a data controller in performing the processing (they are called processors – like IT system providers) or to other third parties (e.g.: relevant authorities, courts of law, lawyers) based on justified reasons (for example, if the supervisory authority or the court requests us to evidence your request).
For general information and more details related to personal data processing and specific rights in this context, we provide, maintain and update information within our Privacy Policy which may be accessed below.
Please note that we may provide copies of personal data processed (when you exercise your right to access) only with due observance of the legal conditions in this context as well as while ensuring data protection, adequate protection of business data and information and related protection of the rights and freedoms of other persons, within the boundaries of reasonable efforts.
According to the General Data Protection Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR) a data subject’s request must be fulfilled by the controller in one month time, as maximum. However, this period of time could be extended taking into account justified circumstances, as set forth under the applicable rules. As well, if the information you actually provide is not sufficient to identify you or we need for you to better specify your request, the deadline will start running from when we have performed these initial steps. In any case, we will let you know as soon as possible from registering you request if we need any such information. Please note that if you do not provide us with the information to enable us to address your request, while we will do reasonable endeavors in accordance with applicable rules, we will not file your request as valid and we will assume in good faith you have renounced to your request.
If you have a request related to the processing of your personal data by one of the companies from OMV Petrom group in Romania (please see more information about the group on the website, please fill in the form below.
Thank you very much for your collaboration,
With consideration,
The Data Protection Officer