OMV Group Websites
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OMV Group Websites
OMV and OMV Petrom Websites
OMV Group OMV Romania Petrom Romania Petrom Moldova


OMV Petrom has set up a compliance organization which ensures that OMV Petrom Group standards are implemented consistently and that operations comply with local laws. The compliance organization manages the following areas:

  • Observance of Anti-Corruption and Business Ethics principles
  • Prohibition of Insider Trading
  • Antitrust Law Trade Embargoes
  • Compliance with Emission Allowances,
  • Commodity Derivatives & Spot Commodity Contracts (Market Abuse Regulation)


Integrity Platform

Do not keep violations of compliance to yourself Corruption, conflicts of interests or violations of competition law and capital market laws are serious risks for the OMV – not only in terms of potential financial loss but also with regard to a potential loss in reputation and image. Your cooperation is important for our fight against – and prevention of – such activities. Should you know about any such incidences within the OMV Group, where you doubt them being in compliance with the legal regulations or the Code of Business Ethics, then please contact us directly or via our new Integrity Platform.

The Integrity Platform enables you to inform us about potential violations – confidentially and, if you wish, anonymously – around the clock, seven days a week and in 10 different languages around the world.

This information system fulfils every OMV security requirement and is technically serviced by an independent operator. Only OMV Compliance will process the contents of your messages. Via our Integrity Platform you can inform us about violations in the following categories:

  • Corruption and bribery
  • Conflict of interests
  • Competition law
  • Capital market laws

You can support our work by voluntarily forwarding your details (telephone and cell phone number, email address), so we can contact you, should we have any questions. We take all your information seriously and guarantee confidential treatment – within the legal requirements. You can be sure that we thoroughly examine every piece of information and that you will not suffer any disadvantages as a result of having reported it to us. You can trust us, as we trust you to have given us your information in good faith. However, please note that knowingly providing wrong information is liable to prosecution in many countries. You can obtain further information about how we deal with the messages we receive on the home page of the notification system "Integrity Platform".