OMV Petrom S.A. – Green hydrogen production on the Petrobrazi refinery platform

OMV Petrom S.A. (as Beneficiary) signed together with the Ministry of Energy (as coordinator of reforms and/or investments for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)) the Financing Agreements for the implementation of two projects:
- "Construction of (green) Hydrogen production installation through water electrolysis" 20(MW)
- "Extension capacity of green hydrogen production through construction of a 6kNm3/h Hydrogen unit through water electrolysis (including site organization)" (35MW)
The aim of the two projects is to reduce GHG through the production of green hydrogen, obtained in electrolysis plants by using renewable energy and water.
The projects’ implementation period has started on 29.12.2023, both financed with non-reimbursable funds within “(NRRP) – Pillar I. Green transition - Component 6. Energy, Investment Measure I.2, Call Code PNRR/2023/C6/M Energy/I2 – Sub-measure 2.2 (relaunched)“.

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