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Our Community Involvement reports

In this section you can find the interactive reports of OMV Petrom regarding the company’s community involvement.

OMV Petrom has presented the impact of the social responsibility projects by publishing the Community Involvement Report, the 12th edition. This year the Report summarizes all the local and national programs in 2019, shaped under the concept of  Energy DNA for a better country, every day.

Community Involvment Report 2019

OMV Petrom has presented the impact of the social responsibility projects by publishing the Community Involvement Report, the 11th edition. This year the Report summarizes all the local and national programs in 2018, shaped under the concept of Good 3.0. 

Community involvement report 2018

OMV Petrom has presented the impact of the social responsibility projects by publishing the Community Involvement Report, the 10th edition. This year the Report summarizes all the local and national programs, shaped under the concept of Festival of Change. The report presents all the projects from 2017. 

​Community investment report 2017

For 9 years, OMV Petrom has presented the impact of the social responsibility projects by publishing the Community Involvement Report. This year the Report summarizes all the local and national programs, shaped under the concept of It can be done Gallery! The report presents all the projects from 2016, the stories behind them, the people with initiative and the impact they had in the communities.

The report can be read here

The OMV Petrom Community Involvement Report is more than a collection of facts and figures. It became an opportunity to help children from the Community Resource Center in Boldeşti-Scăeni. How? We turned the report into a Good Deeds Wrapping Paper!

Community involvement report 2015

In 2014, OMV Petrom’s society involvement meant for Romania the development of communities through education, from youngest to oldest! With over 100 projects carried out, we helped people of all ages to achieve personal and professional development and brought changes for the better supporting people with initiative.
Watch the Community Involvement Report OMV Petrom 2014 and discover how we grow communities, from youngest to oldest!

Community involvement report 2014

Our contribution for the community was the result of the colective effort of people with initiative we have met and whose ideas we supported throughout the year. From students to teachers, from community members to public authorities, we have all been involved in developing programs with long term positive impact that answer communities’ specific needs.

Community involvement report 2013

Community involvement report 2013_2

In 2012, the stories born out of Romanians' initiatives made us more optimistic and encouraged us to continue to support them. For the stories to become a source of inspiration and optimism for you too, we have gathered the best of all into the OMV Petrom Community Involvement Report of 2012.
Let the power of stories inspire you!

Community involvement report 2012

In 2011, OMV Petrom continued to get involved in the sustainable development of the communities where the company operates, through a constant dialogue with stakeholders and social responsability  programs that answered to local needs. The community involvement actions were built to meet specific problems in areas like: education, environment, health and community development.
Find more about the projects and the people who managed to turned them into impactful stories!

Community involvement report 2011

Respect for the future Achievements 2010

In 2007 we created "Respect for the future", an ample social responsibility program through which we met the environment and society’s needs. Starting with this initiative, we committed to support and contribute to a sustainable development of communities in Romania.
Read more about our involvement during 2007-2008 (available only in Romanian)