Payment of dividends for 2007 by PETROM SA
In accordance with Resolution no. 2 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of April 22, 2008, the company PETROM SA, based in Bucharest, 239 Calea Dorobantilor, district 1 registered no. J40/ 8302/ 1997, announces the payment to recorded shareholders as at 09 May 2008, a gross dividend for the financial year 2007 of 0.0191 U.S. $ / share, in total gross amount of 1081.9 million RON, representing 61% of net profit, starting 22 May 2008, based on the following procedure:
1. To Romanian natural person-shareholders with the domicile in Romania, the payment of dividends shall be made through BANCPOST SA units based on a valid identity card;
2. To Romanian legal entity-shareholders, the payment of dividends will be made by bank transfer, based on a specific request, addressed to Petrom SA, Corporate Affairs and Compliance Department, Corporate Projects Office, mentioning the full name of the shareholder, the account and the bank where the payment should be made.
3. To foreign natural person-shareholders, the payment of dividends will be made by bank transfer, based on a specific request addressed to Petrom SA, the Corporate Affairs and Compliance Department, Corporate Projects Office, mentioning the full identity data of the shareholder (surname, name, personal identification number, domicile), and the bank and the account where the payment should be made, together with a copy of the valid identity card and the Fiscal Residence Certificate, in original and a legalized translation into Romanian;
4. To foreign legal entity-shareholders, the payment of dividend will be made by bank transfer, based on a specific request addressed to Petrom SA, the Corporate Affairs and Compliance Department, Corporate Projects Office, mentioning the full name of the shareholder, the account and the bank where the payment should be made, together with the Fiscal Residence Certificate, in original and a legalized translation into Romanian.
The indicated amount of 0.0191 U.S. $ / action is a gross value. The net amount will result by applying the statutory taxation rate corresponding to each category of shareholders (resident, non-resident, etc.)
Payment of the dividend will be made only to the shareholders registered with the Register of Shareholders held by the Central Depository SA as at 9 May 2008 i.e. Registration Date established by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
The company recognizes that only those shareholders registered at the Central Depository SA.
For any further details, please visit:, "Investor Relations " section.
Contact details:
Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Market Relations Department
Corporate Projects Office
Bucharest, 239 Calea Dorobantilor,
District 1, postal code 010567,
Phone: 021_ 4060104, 4060122
Fax: 0372 868 544
Beneficiaries of the Mass Privatization Program are kindly reminded that Petrom SA was established based on Emergency Ordinace no. 49/1997, under the name of the National Oil Company Petrom SA – Bucharest, through the merger of Regia Autonoma Petrom SA – Bucharest with 45 former companies, which are listed in the Appendix hereto.
(excerpt from EO no. 49/1997)
which merged with the National Oil
Company “Petrom” SA – Bucharest
Nr. crt. Denumire societate | Nr. crt. Denumire societate |
1. "Arpechim" |
24. "Peco" Hunedoara |
2. "Petrobrazi" |
25. "Peco" Ialomiţa |
3. "Peco" Alba |
26. "Peco" Iaşi |
4. "Peco" Arad |
27. "Peco" Maramureş |
5. "Peco" Argeş |
28. "Peco" Mehedinţi |
6. "Peco" Bacău |
29. "Peco" Mureş |
7. "Peco" Bihor |
30. "Peco" Neamţ |
8. "Peco" Bistriţa |
31. "Peco" Olt |
9. "Peco" Botoşani |
32. "Peco" Prahova |
10. "Peco" Braşov |
33. "Peco" Satu Mare |
11. "Peco" Brăila |
34. "Peco" Sălaj |
12. "Peco" Buzău |
35. "Peco" Sibiu |
13. "Peco" Caraş-Severin |
36. "Peco" Suceava |
14. "Peco" Călăraşi |
37. "Peco" Teleorman |
15. "Peco" Cluj |
38. "Peco" Timiş |
16. "Peco" Constanţa |
39. "Peco" Tulcea |
17. "Peco" Covasna |
40. "Peco" Vaslui |
18. "Peco" Damboviţa |
41. "Peco" Valcea |
19. "Peco" Dolj |
42. "Peco" Vrancea |
20. "Peco" Galaţi |
43. "Competrol" |
21. "Peco" Giurgiu |
44. "Transpeco" |
22. "Peco" Gorj |
45. “Compania Romana de Petrol” (C.R.P.) |
23. "Peco" Harghita |
(Rafirom, Peco Bucuresti, Petrotrans) |