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IMPORTANT NOTICE Payment of dividends for 2006 by PETROM SA

May 20, 2007

In accordance with the resolution no 2 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
dated April 17, 2007, Petrom SA headquartered in Bucharest, 239 Calea Dorobantilor,
district 1, with the trade registry number J40/ 8302/ 1997, announces the payment to its
existing shareholders at the registration date, i.e. May 04, 2007, of the dividends for 2006
 representing 0.0179 RON/share, in a total amount of RON 1,013.9 mn, resulting in a pay out ratio of 44%.

The above mentioned amount (0.0179 RON/share) is a gross value. The net value will result after the legal tax rate is applied, based on the shareholders category (resident, non-resident etc).

The payment of the dividend will be carried out to its shareholders as of May 4, 2007 (the registration date approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders), according to the records held by Depozitarul Central SA.

The company takes into consideration only the shareholders registered in the shareholders registry.

The payment of the dividends will be carried out as follow:

1. To the shareholders – Romanian natural persons with the domicile in Romania, the payment of the dividends will be carried out through BANCPOST SA units, based on the valid identity card;
2. To the shareholders – Romanian legal entities, the payment of the dividends will be carried out through bank transfer, based on a specific request, addressed to Petrom SA, Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Market Relations Department, Corporate Projects Office, mentioning the full name of the shareholder, the account and the bank where the payment should be done;
3. To the shareholders – foreign natural persons, the payment of the dividends will be carried out through bank transfer, based on a specific request, addressed to Petrom SA, Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Market Relations Department, Corporate Projects Office, mentioning the full identity data of the shareholder (surname, name, Personal identification number, domicile), the bank and the account where the payment should be done, together with a copy of the valid identity card and the Fiscal Residence Certificate, in original and a legalized translation, if applicable;
4. To the shareholders – foreign legal entities, the payment of dividends will be carried out through bank transfer, based on a specific request, addressed to Petrom SA, Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Market Relations Department, Corporate Projects Office, mentioning the full name of the shareholder, the account and the bank where the payment should be done, together with the Fiscal Residence Certificate, in original and a legalized translation, if applicable;
For further details please refer to our website address, “Investor Relations” section.

Contact details:

Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Market Relations Department
Corporate Projects Office

Bucharest, 239 Calea Dorobantilor,
District 1, postal code 010567,
Telephone: 021-4061300/0725161300
Fax: 021-4060436.

For the beneficiaries of the Mass Privatization Program, we recall that Petrom SA was established based on the Emergency Ordinace no 49/1997, under the name of the National
Oil Company Petrom SA – Bucharest, through the merger of Regia Autonoma Petrom SA –
Bucharest with 45 former commercial companies, which are listed in the Appendix.