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Ad hoc report - Changes in the Executive Board

In compliance with Law no. 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations and National Securities Commission Regulation no. 1/2006 on issuers and operations with securities

Date of report: May 30, 201 8
Name of issuer: OMV Petrom S.A.
Headquarters: Bucharest, 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, ("Petrom City")
Telephone/fax number: +40 372 160697 / +40 372 868518 
Sole registration number at the Trade Register Office: 1590082
Fiscal attribute: RO
Trade Register Number: J 40/8302/1997
Share capital: 5,664,410,833.5 RON
Regulated market on which the issued shares are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange

Significant event to be reported:
Changes in the Executive Board

Today, the Supervisory Board approved the effective date of July 1, 2018 for Franck Neel to take over the position as Member of the Executive Board of OMV Petrom responsible for Downstream Gas. Franck Neel’s appointment to this position was already announced on April 26, 2018. The Supervisory Board also took note that Lacramioara Diaconu-Pintea’s mandate as Member of the Executive Board of OMV Petrom will cease as of June 30, 2018, when Franck Neel takes over the position.

Further, Neil Anthony Morgan tendered his resignation as Executive Board Member of OMV Petrom responsible for Downstream Oil effective November 30, 2018.

Christina Verchere
Chief Executive Officer

Stefan Waldner
Chief Financial Officer

You can find additional details in the attached press release.

Changes in the Executive Board, (PDF, 109,7 KB)