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Petrom is starting the constructions at the „Park of the Future” in Moineşti

  • Parks of the Future” are coming to life in three of the parks in Bucharest, Piteşti and Moineşti
  • The project is part of the social responsibility program “ Petrom: Respect for the future”.

Moineşti, September, 26, 2007 - This week, Petrom is starting the constructions at the parks in Bucharest, Piteşti and Moineşti. The Central Park in Moineşti, with an area of 5500 m2 will benefit from the architectural and landscape improvements proposed by the winners of the ideas contest which took part this summer, Ecaterina Dobrescu and Alexandru Matei, two students at the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism.

The winning concept started from the Dada manifesto, as a tribute brought to the initiator of the cultural movement, Tristan Tzara, who was born in Moineşti town. In this avant-garde manner, the park’s emblematic element will be an over dimensioned scissors which cuts the ground. – the way Tzara used to cut out the words from poems. The park will have a welcoming space, in direct relationship with the City’s Library and the House of Marriages, but also a resting and passing by space, directly tithed to the central commercial area. At the park’s redesign will work as volunteers Petrom’s employees as well as inhabitants from the area, who were willing to actively take part at this program.

Mariana Gheorghe, CEO Petrom – „The Parks of the Future Program is mainly an attitude, before being an investment or a landscape architectural project. The parks’ redesign can make a difference in the lives of those in the cities involved in the program”.

“We are thrilled that the entire community in Moineşti has enthusiastically welcomed our project. We are hoping that the new Expo Park will become a true city symbol but also a good they will cherish in the future” – Mona Nicolici, CSR Communication Manager Petrom

Vasile Ailincăi, Mayor of Moineşti, judeţul Bacău – “ For Moineşti, any investment is an important one. We want to thank Petrom for its preoccupations. The program is an opportunity which shows that there are resources and understanding to cherish the places and people of Moineşti. The city deserves this. Along time, Moineşti has been an important centre of specialists in the oil industry, which have taken the city’s fame beyond its borders.

The “Parks of the Future” project involves an E 1.500.000 investment and it pursuits to redesign five public parks in Romania at European standards, in the environment protection spirit and usage of alternative energies. Through this project, which took place under the concept “Respect for future”, our company is getting involved in the local communities life through the arrangement by 2008, of parks in Moineşti, Piteşti, Bucharest, Târgovişte and Timişoara. SC CENTRUL GREENSHOP SRL Bucharest is the construction company that has won the biting and that will start to rehabilitate the three Parks of the Future in partnership with the City Halls in each city.

Petrom CSR
„Respect for Future”
is a complex program initiated by Petrom, at the beginning of 2007, through which we respond to society’s and environment’s needs.
„Respect for Future” is the concretization of our principles, which stand at the base of durable development. We believe that the present needs can be satisfied with respect for the future generations and that is why we have chosen to treat environmental and social aspect as part of our business conduct.