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Communiqué regarding the availability of the annual reports and the reports on payments to governments for 2017

OMV Petrom S.A. informs its shareholders that the 2017 Annual Report, prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Regulation no.1/2006 of the National Securities Commission, as well as the Consolidated 2017 Annual Report are available on the company’s website, section Investor Relations > Investor Reports and Presentations > Annual Reports.

Also, the OMV Petrom’s Reports on payments to governments for 2017, both consolidated and standalone, prepared in accordance with Ministry of Finance Order no. 2844/2016 approving the accounting regulations compliant with the International Financial Reporting Standards are available on the company’s website, in the same section as indicated above.

Likewise, the 2017 Consolidated report on payments to governments of OMV Aktiengesellschaft, which includes OMV Petrom, is available on OMV Aktiengesellschaft’s website, section Investor Relations>Reports and Presentations>Annual Report 2017.

The print version of the Annual Reports can also be obtained from the Investor Relations Department, at the company’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, district 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City").