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Agreement for online correspondence (by email)

Dear partner,

By this agreement, you benefit from the transmission by e-mail of the invoices and/or notifications based on the contract / supply of the last resort, issued by OMV Petrom SA, Gas & Power, no longer being necessary to send them in physical format by courier/post.

If you agree to receive your invoices and/or notifications by e-mail, please:

  • confirm in writing and fill in the form below, the details regarding the e-mail address you wish to use for the transmission of invoices and/or notifications.
  • this Completed and Signed Agreement will be sent by email provided by you as well as to OMV Petrom SA

Note: this Agreement is in accordance with the provisions of art. 319, par. (4) of the Law 227/2015 on the Tax Code.

By accepting the receipt of invoices and/or notifications based on the contract by e-mail, you confirm that you have the necessary technical means to receive them by e-mail, to download and manage them in conditions of integrity of the content and legibility of the documents.

Also, by accepting the receipt of the invoice by e-mail, you confirm that the invoice is considered received by you. on the date of its transmission by OMV Petrom SA to the e-mail address specified by you.

Thank you in advance for your involvement.

We understand and agree with the receipt by e-mail of the invoices and/or notifications based on the contract issued by OMV Petrom SA under the conditions set out above.

Note *: All fields are mandatory
**in email filed please insert only one email address

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The maximum length for CNP number is 13 digits. Digits on positions 4 and 5 can have values between 01 and 12 and digits on positions 6 & 7 can have values between 01 and 31.

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