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Petrom keeps the same level for fuel prices

  • The increase of the international prices is partially counterbalanced by the decrease of the excises in RON

Due to the depreciation of EUR and USD against the RON which is reflected in the excises in RON imposed on the oil products, the excises decreased with about 4%, starting the 1st of April. The decrease of the excises in RON counterbalances partially the recent increase of the international oil prices. Subsequently, Petrom does not change its prices and will keep the fuel prices at the existing level.

Petrom has committed itself to a moderate prices policy based on the development of the international markets but also on local market conditions.

Petrom regards it as its obligation vis-à-vis its customers to communicate the price changes. As a customer oriented company, Petrom exercises transparency and thus remains the only operator of filling stations to publish its price changes.